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Download and listen to your favorite songs and make fun play lists that are randomized

Download and listen to your favorite songs and make fun play lists that are randomized

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What is iTunes 64-bit

iTunes 64-bit is a video and audio player that also allows you to manage all of your iOS devices including iPods, iPads and iPhones. The 64-bit version is designed to run on Windows 64-bit computers. The newest version includes many new features and is completely redesigned, but it still does everything that was available on previous versions.

The first thing you will notice when you open the new version is that it doesn't have the bar on the left of the screen anymore that allowed you to quickly select albums, devices, playlists and other options. The screen is now taken up by the default album view.

It is easy and fun to browse through your albums in iTunes. When you click on an album, all of the tracks show up in a list below the album. The program will also create a colored background for each album based on the colors in the album artwork. This fun new feature works great for the most part, but the colored background does blur the colors around the edges of the album.

The newest version of iTunes 64-bit allows you to create different playlists quickly. You can now add tracks to a playlist with the use of a pane on the right so that you won't have to keep jumping around pages in the program to add your favorite tracks.

iTunes also has an Up Next feature which allows you to add songs to your queue without creating a new playlist. You can just add songs and rearrange them to create the perfect list of songs to play. The mini player at the bottom of the iTunes screen has also been redesigned to take up less space and making it easier to use. The player controls will show up when you put your mouse over the mini player, and you can change your Up Next Queue from the mini player.

All of the tracks and movies you have bought from iTunes will now show up in your library even if it has not been downloaded. You can click on the track to download it, or you can stream the music directly from the cloud. You can also use Apple's music matching service to access your tracks on any device. The iTunes store has also been redesigned, making it easier to navigate. The top lists are easier to browse, and will suggest similar tracks or artists based on what you have already downloaded. The only thing that is missing is the ability to stream music directly from the iTunes store without purchasing the tracks.

iTunes is a great video and audio player, and it is the only program that allows you to manage your iOS devices. It is easy to use, and the new features provide a friendly user experience.


  • Easy to use
  • Useful Mini Player
  • Easier playlist creation


  • Doesn't support a wide range of file formats
  • No music streaming service